How we work with you
Depending on your needs, we can provide short or long-term support. A short assignment may last a few weeks (in rare cases, even a few days) typically by one individual (though others can be added as needed) for advise and recommendations on specific issues. We offer an hourly rate or a flat rate depending on clarity of scope and nature of support. Long-term assignments typically involve a team, the composition of which will change as the project progresses. Assignments typically start with a diagnostic phase, followed by a planning, and then an implementation phase. We can work with our partners or your chosen consultants, and can once again provide flat rate quotes where the scope is clear or day-rates where scope evolution is expected. Travel, living and other expenses are typically billed separately at cost, though they can be included in the flat-rate if you prefer.
Please get in touch
Please email or call us and give us some basic details about your business, including how much you spend on capital projects (if applicable to your inquiry), what problems you are facing, etc. If we miss your call, we will generally get back to you within one business day.